Archive Video 10.31.6 - FOP Attorney Sean Welby " To the criminal element Harrisburg is open for business"

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Archive video October 31st 2006 --------------------------------------------------------

After a City Council Meeting held on 10.31.6 Attorney Sean Welby comments on the failed request of Mayor Reed to borrow millions in a (TRAN) Tax revenue anticipation note.Welby states that up 25 police officers could be laid off and then makes the controversial statement "right now what council has done tonight is put out a large welcome sign to the criminal element come to Harrisburg we're open for business"and goes on to say "I only hope that it does not cost lives or lost property" and then one last gem "As I said to the criminal element Harrisburg is open for business." Not one police officer was laid off,and we later discovered that surplus funds in the fire dept budget were used to pay attorneys Mayor Reed hired to sue council members, the payments to date have exceeded $800,000. Tags: harrisbrg, mayor reed, welby. fop, tran,

Tags: FOP, Forensic Audit, Mayor Steve Reed, Sean Welby