Koplinski - Bob Kroboth was "irresponsible"

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Harrisburg City Council member Koplinski calls out Thompson's administration point man Bob Kroboth ___________________Koplinski Press Release__ Harrisburg City Councilman Brad Koplinski's Statement On Use Of City's Official Website And The Commonwealth's Advance Of Pension Funds To The City

Today, the city has twice used its official website for political purposes to call into question my vote against the Harrisburg Parking Authority's loan last evening and my basis for it, as well as other Council members' votes against the Act 47 plans. This misuse of the city's website is appalling.

Last night at the Harrisburg City Council meeting, I stated a procedure to be able to pay the city's GO debt payment and this week's payroll for the city - without having to immediately resort to an outrageous loan that Council approved.

As of yesterday, the City of Harrisburg had $2,035,124 cash on hand, according to both the Administration and the City Controller's office. Additionally, it was confirmed to me that the Commonwealth would be advancing at least $2.5 million in advance pension payments to the city no later than this afternoon. According to the city's numbers, that $4.5 million would have been enough to pay the GO debt payment and make payroll. And it would have given the financial advisors for the Harrisburg Parking Authority more time to negotiate a better interest rate than the 8.25% and potentially 10.75% interest rates that we will pay for this loan. The question of whether we truly needed the full $7.4 million to get the city through the end of the year at this exorbinent interest rate still exists as well.

As I stated at the meeting, and was confirmed by the Mayor last night and today - the Commonwealth wired $2.6 million in advance pension payments to the city, allowing it to pay the GO debt and make payroll. However, Council passed an outrageous loan in which the city could pay $16 million to take out $7.4 million.

During the pressure filled session last night, the Administration's Robert Kroboth did not bring up the advanced payment from the Commonwealth - I brought it up to him. For him not to bring up this vital piece of information and instead simply pressure Council members to "pass this loan or else" was irresponsible. If the Administration did not have the same information that I had that the money was coming from the Commonwealth - they are irresponsible and in the dark. If they did know, they were not telling the truth and keeping Council and the taxpayers of the city in the dark.

For the Administration to use the official city website to malign City Council members is outrageous. I would think that the top stories of the City's website would have information about where those affected by the flood can go for help and other important topics rather than attacks on publicly elected officials.

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: Act47, Bob Kroboth, Brad Koplinski, City Council, Harrisburg