Mayor Linda D. Thompson - She came in this door and attacked me

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Mayor Thompson accuses a city resident of attacking her. Harrisburg city resident Dot Montaine asked mayor Thompson "are you going to discuss Act 47" when Thompson answered that she "was talking to a greater audience here, I'm trying to make it simple for them" Montaine stood up and walked out of the meeting. As the 2 hour plus town hall came to an end Thompson called out Montaine "she came in this door attacking me, she attacked me from the time she sat down and said your not working with council" Thompson went on to say "she taunted me didn't you hear her? she taunted me from the time she came in here, and then interject me and said she doesn't want to hear about personal bankruptcy she wants to hear the about the city, let me tell the story as I know how" Tags: Harrisburg Mayor Linda D. Thompson Thompson Traveling Show Chapter 9 Act 47 Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: Ism, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, Town Hall