The City of Harrisburg's New Chief Operating Officer Ricardo Mendez-Saldivia - An Awkward Close

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At the end of the press conference introducing Ricardo Mendez-Saldivia, a gentleman in the audience tells the media to back off of the new COO and the Mayor. He goes to far to call one of the reporter's questions "stupid." Harrisburg Communications Director Bob Philbin puts a stop to the tension, and the presser ends with Mayor Linda Thompson turning to the gentleman and saying, "I appreciate your comments.....thank you. They're well taken." In the video, notice that prior to the gentleman speaking up, the Mayor seems to whisper something to him while Mr. Mendez-Saldvia stands at the mic answering a media question.--Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: COO, Harrisburg, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, Ricardo Mendez-Saldivia