William B. Lynch - The newly nominated Receiver for the City of Harrisburg

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This afternoon, Major General William B. Lynch was introduced as the Governor-nominated Receiver for the City of Harrisburg. The City has been without a Receiver since David Unkovic abruptly resigned on March 30th. Retired from the Air Force and Air National Guard, Lynch has served as Pennsylvania's Adjutant General under Governors Schweiker and Rendell. As Adjutant General, it was referenced that Lynch was charged with a department with a $550 million budget and 22,000 employees. Despite having no municipal governance or finance background, Lynch declared he was not concerned with the tasks of returning the City of Harrisburg to fiscal stability. "I'm a bit of a sucker for challenge." Not only did General Lynch express a positive attitude about working with Harrisburg's elected officials, he also said he hopes to "simplify" Act 47. The Commonwealth Court has 15 days to hold a hearing on Lynch's appointment and must make a decision within 60 days from this nomination. The General lives in Hazleton.--Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: Act 47, Harrisburg Receiver, William B. Lynch