Harrisburg School Board

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It looks like the Harrisburg School District will be able to save its athletics program. Not only is that an option, but the District could also be bringing back band, after school activities, music instructors, and elementary school teachers. These programs and positions were cut from the budget which was passed on June 27th. Since then, the community has been faced with the stark reality of having a fiscally distressed school district. However, it?s that very reality that has now proven to be the reason program and position restorations are possible. At Monday night?s School Board Budget, Finance, & Facilities Committee meeting, District Business Manager Jeff Bader announced that Harrisburg School District has received $1,732,162.16 ?distressed district? funds from the State with the passing of its budget on June 30th. This money will be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The official decision will be made on Wednesday at the School Board of Directors next meeting, 5:30pm. The public is encouraged to attend to voice what they?d like to see put back in the budget.---Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: Board of School Directors, Harrisburg School District