Harrisburg Receiver William Lynch - Harrisburg resident: "The State did have a role as well as the County in creating this debt situation."

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At the July 23rd Rotary Club of Harrisburg's luncheon, Harrisburg Receiver William Lynch explains PA Department of Community and Economic Development's (DCED) position on the issue of State certification of the Harrisburg Incinerator financings and debt that was inaccurately determined to be self liquidating. "Their role in this is basically to make sure that the signatures are filled out." Saying that DCED doesn't judge the validity of the certifications made by local officials, Lynch expounds, "If the appropriate officials make the appropriate certification, DCED just confirms that those certifications have been made. Whether you like that answer or not, that's the way it is." ---Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: act 47, chapter 9, Harrisburg, harrisburg strong plan, mandamus, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, receiver lynch, sp+, standard parking