Writ of Mandamus Hearing - Harrisburg Receiver Lynch: "Any bill that's due for payment goes through the process."

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During the August 23, 2012 Commonwealth Court proceedings, the City of Harrisburg Receiver versus Harrisburg City Council, Receiver William Lynch briefly explained the process by which the City pays its bills and obligations.

Every two weeks, Finance Director Robert Kroboth presents a list of payment requests to PA's Department of Economic Development (DCED). DCED reviews the requests with the assistance of the contracted PA Economy League (PEL) to determine which expenses should be considered permissible and affordable. Once DCED and PEL make their recommendations, the Receiver approves the expenditures. Then the City can spend the money.---Tara Leo Auchey Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: gerald cross, harrisburg, kroboth., pel, receiver, william lynch