Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico "We're dealing with serious crime."

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During the August 29th Dauphin County Commissioners meeting, District Attorney Ed Marsico presented a request for funding for an additional deputy district attorney.

Citing an increase in the number of cases his office handles, Marsico stated, "Our office sends the 3rd highest number of individuals to State prison of any county in the State." He said Dauphin County sees the 4th highest in the number of felony sentences in PA and is 2nd highest in drug offenses. Afterwards, Marsico commented on the high number of suburban residents who come into the City of Harrisburg to purchase drugs.

The DA also emphasized the seriousness of juvenile crime in the County. Assuring County Commissioners the DA's office is exploring various grants for other positions, Marsico asked the County to allocate the position, which will take the number of deputy district attorneys from 24 and 25. In an unanimous vote, the funding request was granted. ---Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: DA ED Marsico. Dauphin County Commissioners, Harrisburg