Senator Jeff Piccola - York City and Harrisburg School Districts Protesting Distressed Designation

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In August, the Harrisburg School District along with the York City School District, and Duquesne City School District received Preliminary Declarations of Financial Recovery by PA's Secretary of Education, Ron Tomalis, which is a step towards the appointment of a Chief Recovery Officer to oversee a district's finances. Each district was given time to respond to the preliminary designation. Two of the financially strapped districts--Harrisburg and York City--have submitted objections.

On September 25th, Tomalis testified in front of the Senate Education Committee on the Financial Recovery Law that allows for such State takeover. Upon being notified of Harrisburg's and York City's oppositions to their designations, Chair Senator Jeff Piccola berated the two districts calling them "reprehensible" for using funds "to hire lawyers to appeal the decision of the Commonwealth." Piccola told Tomalis, "I would urge you, Mr. Secretary, to do whatever you can do to discourage that kind of behavior by these districts." In July, both districts received funds from a $50 million budget allotment to financially distressed school districts. A hearing on Harrisburg School District's appeal is scheduled for October 3rd, and York City School District's hearing is scheduled for October 17th.

A Department of Education appointed hearing officer will oversee the proceedings and Secretary Ron Tomalis will make the final determination.---Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: education, harrisburg, jeffrey piccola, mayor steve reed, ron tomalis