Appalachian Brewing Company's Cameron Street Project - Mayor Linda D. Thompson: "I made sure they understood that we want them to stay."

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In 2010, the Appalachian Brewing Company (ABC) partnered with the Capital Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC) to initiate an expansion project of ABC's facilities on Cameron Street.

The two groups devised a plan that included purchasing the property from the City for an assessed value of $75,000; a total land and site preparation of $900,000; and new construction costs of $550,000.

The total project was estimated to be $1,475,000 with funds coming from a State Industrial Sites Reuse grant, a CREDC grant, and a $550,000 construction commitment from ABC.

In 2011, CREDC applied for a $500,000 Dauphin County Restricted Gaming Grant to help fund the demolition and site preparation costs.

Dauphin County Commissioners agreed to allocate $125,000 for the ABC proposal, and this grant was just passed on September 12th.

There was indication that a matching State grant has been obtained to offset the site preparation costs. Currently, as Mayor Linda Thompson has revealed the ABC is in negotiations with the City to acquire the property.

Per ABC's original proposal, the assessed value of the land is $75,000, with no value seemingly given to the buildings since the they must be demolished and the land must be environmentally remediated.

Although it has not been explicitly disclosed, it seems the real value of the property is the point of debate between the negotiating parties.---Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Natalie Cake

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: ABC, CREDC, Harrisburg, Linda D. Thompson