The Harrisburg Authority Audio Files: Fred Clark's Votes on the Retrofit of the Incinerator

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For the first time, here is a chronological series of some of the discussions and integral votes of the Harrisburg Authority Board during the process of approving the Incinerator retrofit.

Notable to point out is Board member Fred Clark absences, comments, and abstentions. He is absent for the May 22, 2002 and the August 27, 2003. Clark abstains on the September 25th and December 15th 2003 votes.

Under the Public Officials Law, any board member who abstains must provide a basis for his abstention. Clark does not do this.

In 2000, Fred Clark introduced the Resolution that would begin the entire process.

November 16, 2000 Vote on Resolution 2000-016, the undertaking of the Project

May 22, 2002 Vote on Resolution 2002-006, Preliminary work on the Retrofit

June 26, 2002 Conversation about the "Big Kahuna," i.e. the Retrofit

August 27, 2003 Vote on Resolution 2003-007, Intent to move forward

September 25, 2003 Vote on Resolution 2003-009, Proceeding to Retrofit

December 15, 2003 Vote on Resolution 2003-0016, Supplemental and restatement of proceeding to Retrofit

photos by Natalie Cake

Tags: andy giorgione, fred clark, incinerator retrofit, john keller, leonard house, mayor steve reed, tha, the harrisburg authority, trent hargrove