The Harrisburg Auction: Mayor Thompson - Controller Miller is in contempt.

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Harrisburg Mayor Thompson comments on the lawsuit filed on her behalf April 3, 2012 against Controller Miller, the court action is a Complaint in Mandamus to compel Miller to sign a consignment agreement agreement with Guernsey's auctioneers for the sale of western artifacts purchased by former mayor Steve Reed.

On November 15th Judge Bernard L. Coates, Jr, granted the Mandamus order and on November 27th Controller Miller filed a Notice of Appeal as well as a Emergency Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

Mayor Thompson called Controller Miller's actions "Defiant" and went on to say "He's grossly disrespecting the court." and "This is politically motivated, you know he can't accept the fact the judge ruled against him, and now he wants to try to save face with whatever constituent base he has out there."

When Thompson was asked about the possibility of contempt charges she replied "Anytime you don't honor a judges order your in contempt, and right now he's in contempt, you know, of the judges order cause he hasn't filed his appeal yet so right now he's in contempt."

Controller Miller's Notice of Appeal and Emergency Motion for Stay were filed Tuesday November 27th one day before this interview.

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: Artifacts, Dan Miller, Harrisburg, Mandamus, Mayor Linda Thompson, The Harrisburg Auction