Harrisburg Crime Report: Suspect Identified - Wanted

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As released by the Bureau of Harrisburg Police.


Clarence Shaffer, W/M/52, no fixed address. . Shaffer may be armed and should be considered dangerous. . See attached recent photos from NOV 2012. . If seen, contact your police agency immediately. An arrest warrant charging him with a Megan’s Law violation has been issued so far. It lists a Kennett Square, PA address. . Shaffer has family in the general area but is said to be estranged from all. He might have access to a vehicle. Type of Incident: Abduction investigation . Date / Time: 12-03-2012 at about 0745 hrs. . Location: HACC – Main Campus . Investigating Officer: Det. John O’Connor . Victim R/S/A: W/F/18, suburban Harrisburg, HACC student . Suspect: W/M/35-50, goatee, short reddish hair, wire rim glasses, small build, aNarrative: On 12-03-2012 at about 0830 hrs. patrol officers were advised that a man from suburban Harrisburg called for police and reported that his daughter was abducted. Reportedly, she was able to call him and told him of the incident. Moments later the young woman was located in the Enola area. She was able to flee her abductor and ran for help at a nearby home. . Harrisburg Police Detective John O’Connor met with the young woman. She said that she parked her car in a HACC parking lot off of Industrial Rd. As she was gathering her materials a strange man opened her car door and forced her to the passenger seat. He drove off while pointing a gun at the woman. He drove to the Enola area and pulled onto a parking lot where the Conodoguinet Creek meets the Susquehanna River. He forced the woman, at gunpoint, to walk to a wooded area along the creek. There, he tried to sexually assault her. He put his gun down and she was able to run for help. The man ran off and left in the woman’s car. He took the car back to the parking lot at HACC and left it there. . The woman was not harmed. She provided a statement to Det, O’Connor and assisted in preparing a composite likeness of the man she said abducted her. See attached. . The investigation continues and anyone having any information on this is asked to contact Det. John O’Connor at 717-255-3175 or email HYPERLINK "mailto:joconnor@cityofhbg.com" joconnor@cityofhbg.com or Sgt. Deric Moody at 717-255-3156

Tags: Clarence Shaffer, Crime Report, harrisburg, Wanted