Harrisburg Hope Forum: Pennsylvania Senators

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On Wednesday, December 12, 2012, the political action organization, Harrisburg Hope, held a public forum at the Midtown Scholar on the City of Harrisburg's debt crisis. The panel was comprised of Senator Mike Folmer (R-48), Senator-elect Rob Teplitz (D-15), and Senator John Eichelberger (R-30).

Both Folmer and Eichelberger sat on the PA Senate Local Government Committee during the two-day hearing on the Harrisburg Incinerator Forensic Audit Report. Senator Eichelberger is Chair of that committee.

Newly elected Rob Teplitz will take the 15th Senate District seat previously held by Senator Jeff Piccola (R), who retired. Piccola was the chief architect of Senate Bill 1151---the bill that enabled the State "takeover" of the fiscally strained City of Harrisburg. Teplitz's election to the Senate 15th seat is the first time a Democrat has held that seat in almost 80 years. At the Forum, Teplitz announced he will be the Minority Chair on the PA Senate Local Government Committee.

The bipartisan panel of legislators discussed impressions of the Senate hearing on the Forensic Audit Report as well as took questions from the audience about the City of Harrisburg's debt crisis. In general, the senators called for another Audit, one with subpoena power. Senator Folmer declared, subpoena powers "would prove to see who's responsible."

Other apparent themes in the discussion were support for regionalism and a need for a PA Constitutional Convention, the last one having occurred in 1968.

Senator Eichelberger: "The language of the law wasn't precise enough."

Senator Eichelberger: "There certainly is, I think, an obvious interest on the part of the Justice System to look at the scenario here in Harrisburg."

Senator Folmer: Using Dauphin County Gaming Funds & Hotel Tax to help the City's situation

Senator Folmer: "We gotta hold people accountable."

Senator-elect Teplitz: "My approach will be to try to bring the parties together."

Senator-elect Teplitz: "The City has a special burden because it is the State capital."

Senator-elect Teplitz: "I will be concerned about selling off assets."

Questions and comments from the Audience:

Part I: Criminal penalties for filing false certifications

Part II: Why not a commuter tax?

Part III: "A psychological wound on this city.

Part IV: Senator Folmer, "I would not vote for that again if it came up."

Part V: "We do need further hearings going forward."

Part VI: "I introduced a bill for a Special Prosecutor."

Part VII: Regional tools

Part VIII: Senator Folmer on medical marijuana, "If I can get vicodin and oxycodone from my doctor, why would I not be allowed to get medical marijuana?"

Part IX: The Grover Norquist No Tax Pledge and raising taxes on the City of Harrisburg

Part X: "You got to trust the Receiver right now going forward."

Part XI: A bill to ban SWAPs

by Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: Harrisburg Hope, Midtown Scholar, Senator Eichelberger, Senator Folmer, Senator Teplitz