Harrisburg's failing infrastructure, and a request to spend money on a name change for 2nd street.

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Tuesday evening Harrisburg City Council will introduce for first reading:

Bill 5-2013 - An ordinance amending the Official Map of the City of Harrisburg to supplement the name of 2nd Street from Chestnut Street to Forster Street to be also known as “Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.”

Slide Show of the Downtown Area Second Street or "Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard."

A look at our archive videos of Harrisburg's failing infrastructure.

Video 1 Sinkhole Walter

Video 2 Downtown Sinkholes

Video 3 Missing Manhole Cover

Video 4 Woodbine Street Sinkhole

Video 5 Missing Street Lights

Photos/Natalie Cake

Tags: 2nd street, Harrisburg, Harrisburg Financial Crisis, Mayor Linda Thompson, MLK, Name Change, Onward With Thompson, Sinkhole