House Committee Agenda: Tuesday June 4th, 2013
Tuesday June 04, 2013 at 11:29 am
By Jamie Serra

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At 9:00am the following Committees held voting meetings:

The House Education Committee was scheduled to consider HB1141, HB1424, SB470 and HR338 in Room 60 East Wing.

The Environmental Resources and Energy Committee met to consider HB343 and HB1414 in 39 East Wing. HB343 would establish statewide water well construction standards, but it was removed from the agenda as a result of misinformation that was sent out to committee members yesterday by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.

The Farm Bureau's Director of Government Relations described their opposition as follows, "The Committee is scheduled tomorrow to consider HB 343, which establishes minimum state standards for construction, operation and decommissioning of private water wells and would give DEP authority to establish a program for well permitting and assessment of permit fees to ensure compliance with well construction standards. Pennsylvania Farm Bureau opposes registration and permitting of water wells for private use and urges a negative vote on HB 343. Thank you for your consideration."

The Human Services Committee took up HB806 in room B31 of the Main Capitol.

At 9:30am the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee held a voting meeting on HB920, HB1196, HB1377, SB155 and SB526.

The Finance Committee held a meeting at 9:45am in room G50 of the Irvis Office Building on HB1138, HB1315 and SB4.

At 10:00am the Judiciary Committee met to consider HB164, HB397, HB1202, HB1356, SB865 and SB419.

The House Appropriations Committee has been scheduled to be called off the Floor of the House.

Tags: House Committee Agenda, June 4 2013, Legislative Action