Nate Curtis Out of Race, Will Serve as Co-Moderator in Mayoral Debate
Monday August 26, 2013 at 12:25 pm
By Jamie Serra

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As released by Curtis for Mayor:

Nate Curtis, who was removed from the mayoral ballot on August 14 by a Dauphin County Judge, said that he will not appeal the ruling and will also not launch a write-in campaign. Instead, Curtis has accepted the offer to serve as co-moderator in the Harrisburg Hope/HACC Mayoral Debate on October 3, to be held at the HACC Cooper Student Center.

"We are thrilled to have Nate Curtis joining Harrisburg Hope at HACC as co-moderator," said Harrisburg Hope president Alan Kennedy-Shaffer. "Mr. Curtis brings a unique perspective that we hope will help to unite our city." Curtis said he is eager to continue his volunteer work in the Harrisburg community. Promoting discussion at the debate, while bringing residents' questions and concerns to the table, is top on his list.

"Harrisburg is where I was born and raised and I'll do whatever I can to make it a better place for the people that live here, whether I am Mayor or not," Curtis said. "I'm very happy that Harrisburg Hope wants me to be the Co-Moderator of their mayoral debate at HACC. I will be balanced with vital questions that do not include political spin."

Curtis said his decision not to appeal the court ruling or launch a write-in campaign was a difficult one, especially since the reason behind him not meeting the one-year residency requirement was linked to his deployment to Afghanistan. "I am proud to have served my country, but it is unfortunate that my service in Afghanistan directly affected my eligibility to run for office, especially since I was the only Harrisburg native on the November ballot," Curtis said.

Undaunted, Nate Curtis said he wants to inspire the youth to work hard and find positive ways to make a difference in their neighborhoods. The political machine may have won this battle, but they have not won the war. I’ll continue to fight for my community," Curtis said. "I know God will lead me to where He wants me to be," he added. "Stay tuned."

Tags: Election 2013, Harrisburg Mayor, Nate Curtis