Mayor Linda D. Thompson "Harrisburg Strong Plan"
Tuesday August 27, 2013 at 4:09 pm
By James Roxbury

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Mayor Linda D. Thompson held a press event to discuss the Harrisburg Receiver filing the "Harrisburg Strong Plan"

Photo/Natalie Cake Video 1. "It has been a long hard road with more twists than a television soap opera."

Video 2. "This is a true testament that if you have the right leadership in place and collaborative partnerships you can certainly get your city out of Act 47 sooner than later."

Video 3. "You elected me to correct a situation that plagued the city for years, and I am humble to come before you today and say thank you for allowing me to get the job done for the future of your city."

Video 4, The Thompsonism of day.

Tags: Act 47, Harrisburg, Harrisburg Receiver, Harrisburg Strong Plan, Mayor Linda D. Thompon