Dauphin County Property Owners Voice Concerns Over Increases In Flood Insurance Premiums.
Monday February 17, 2014 at 9:09 pm
By James Roxbury

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Dauphin county property owners voiced concerns over increases to flood insurance premiums before the Dauphin county commissioners Wednesday morning.

Thomas Germak. I'm 65 years old, I thought I could sell my business property and retire, today it's virtually worthless.

Glen Dunbar, Shipoke Neighborhood Association. The level of frustration, and anger, and fear, among homeowners who are stuck in this situation.

Staci Basore. I will do what ever it takes to fight this fight.

David Butcher, WCI Partners. We own approximately 20 properties within the floodplain.

Karl Singleton, City of Harrisburg. Mayor Papenfuse has this on his agenda.

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: Biggert Waters Act, Dauphin County, FEMA, Flood Insurance, Harrisburg, WCI