Harrisburg City Council member Sandra Reid. - Talking trash.
Wednesday April 23, 2014 at 6:43 pm
By James Roxbury

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During Tuesday's Harrisburg city council meeting council member Sandra Reid read from a prepared statement related to her "Trash can donation program"

Is council member Reid talking about the trash problem in Harrisburg, or just trash talking?

Watch the videos of her comments:

Sandra Reid. Only 20 trash cans?

If your not part of the solution then you must be part of the problem. It is plain as the nose on my face.

Whats going on with the trash in Harrisburg? So when I asked two very powerful leaders of this community how they were going to support the trash can drive, they basically told me they were not.

Look at where the codes are being enforced. There are no children, low crime rate, and economic development is everywhere. This cannot just be a coincidence.

Tags: City Council, Harrisburg, Sandra Reid, Trash, Trash Cans