Harrisburg Hope - Ferguson Forum.
Tuesday September 09, 2014 at 4:16 pm
By James Roxbury

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Harrisburg Hope - Ferguson Forum.

Moderators Alan Kennedy-Shaffer and Rep. Patty Kim hosted a public forum on the events that took place in Ferguson Mo.

Opening statements, introduction of the panel.

Recidivism rates and expungement of criminal records.

Ferguson is a learning opportunity .

Questions from the audience.

Closing statements.


On the panel.

- District Attorney Ed Marsico, Dauphin County.

- City Councilman Jeffrey Baltimore, Harrisburg.

- Chief Thomas Carter, Harrisburg Police Dept..

- David Botero, Community Policing Coordinator.

- Pastor Nick Peterson, Capital Presbyterian Church.

- Lisa Burhannan, Mothers-in-Charge President.

- Derek Thompson, Boys & Girls Club Director.

- Todd Lawson, Diversity/Inclusion Consultant.

Tags: Ferguson, Harrisburg, Hope, Mayor Papenfuse