Senate Budget Hearing - AG Kathleen Kane
Tuesday March 17, 2015 at 1:03 pm
By James Roxbury

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Attorney General Kathleen Kane testified before the Senate appropriations committee Tuesday morning.

Questions from committee members.

Senator Rob Teplitz.

Can you comment on the Harrisburg incinerator investigation.

Kathleen Kane.

We're hoping to draw to a conclusion in the very near future.

Senator Daylin Leach.

Witness protection program.

Kane. Our witness relocation program.

111 cases opened in 2014.

92 gun related.

55 homicide related.

79 of the cases were in Philadelphia.

40 of the Philadelphia cases were homicide related.

Tags: Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Grand Jury, Harrisburg Authority, Harrisburg Incinerator, Senate Budget, Senator Teplitz, Witness relocation