Patriot News - Spinning

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Patriot reporter Sharon Smith's story today- Downturn affecting commercial real estate, the story looks into the decline of real estate values in central Pa.Sharon interviews Dave Remmel of Landmark Commercial Realty,Remmel is quoted as not knowing of any commercial properties that have been foreclosed... What about the Harrisburg Mall and it's 50 million dollar foreclosure action the one with the, now not to open Barnes and Noble store, it's the photo that ran with this story. Hey Sharon did you go to any county offices and check out what commercial properties are being foreclosed on, the Dauphin County Sheriff Sale is Jan 8,2009 any commercial properties on the list? or is investigative research out of the question? Now on to the hotels on State Street, the Aloft a planned 13 story 138-room hotel is moving forward? really how so? it's a blighted eyesore surrounded by chain link fencing. And what about the proposed hotel at the corner of Third and State the one that the Patt company was to have opened by 2009, it's sitting empty, yet another eyesore,the sprinkler system broke on the 4th floor and flooded the lower floors a hollow empty shell. Did you walk down the south side of State and notice that of the 15 properties two are vacant hotel sites, three are for sale, and one is vacant and available for lease?.

Tags: Harrisburg, Patriot News