Top Ten - Hooverville.

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Our top ten news stories of 2009 Hooverville Part-2

From KALW: Fresno, CA has the highest levels of concentrated poverty in the nation. In some neighborhoods, nearly half of all residents are living below the federal poverty line. Over the past year, many of those poor residents have slipped out of housing completely. Now shanty towns are springing up along the railroad tracks, an image that recalls shanty towns of a different era: the so-called Hoovervilles of the Great Depression. This project was written and produced by____ Thea Chroman__________________________ __________Photography: David B. Torch________________________ ____________________________Co sponsors__ KALW___and ____Roxburynews_________________ Special thanks to__________ David Cohn and

Tags: 2009, Hooverville, Thea Chroman, Top Ten