Archive Video: James Ellison of Rhoads & Sinon - Interview before City Council: "A man of integrity."

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ARCHIVE VIDEO from January 30, 2007. In 2007, James Ellison was appointed to The Harrisburg Authority, the entity which owns and operates the Incinerator.

During this January 30, 2007 video of his City Council interview for the position, Ellison is questioned by then-Councilor Linda Thompson (who is now Mayor of the City of Harrisburg).

When questioned about any possible conflicts of interest, Ellison assures the Council that he understands the significance of his fiduciary responsibility to the Authority and if any conflict arises, he will abstain from voting.

"My focus is on my duty at the time."

In response, Linda Thompson says to him, "Whoever wants to take and shed a negative light on this, they can do so, but I know you to be a man of integrity and certainly will not compromise your hard work as partner or that degree behind you that allows you, overall, to be a very honorable man in this community practicing law."

On May 30, 2012, the State Ethics Commission found James Ellison in violation of the Public Offical and Employee Ethics Act.

Per the Commission's findings, James Ellison as Chairman of The Harrisburg Authority, participated in billable discussions with Rhoads & Sinon attorney Paul Bruder "which resulted in the hiring of a lawyer employed by Rhoads & Sinon, LLP, to serve as counsel for The Harrisburg Authority, at a time when Ellison was both a Member of The Harrisburg Authority and an equity partner of Rhoads & Sinon, LLP." Ellison was also cited for signing checks made payable to the law firm. As a result of his violation, Ellison will pay $2,297.95.

James Ellison and his firm of Rhoads & Sinon are referenced in The Harrisburg Authority Forensic Audit released Wednesday January 18, 2012 as failing to provide documents when requested to do so.

--Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Dani Fresh

Tags: Authority, Ellison, Harrisburg City Council, Interview