Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic - RFQ's for the Water System.

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Archive video of Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic describing the potential sale/lease of the assets of the City of Harrisburg, the Harrisburg Authority issued RFQ's of the incinerator and the water system on Tuesday February 7th.

From the Harrisburg Authority web site (Note: this is not the complete RFQ To view the RFQ please visit the hbgauthority.com)


To Manage and/or Operate The Harrisburg Authority?s Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems Issued: February 7, 2012.

David Unkovic Receiver for the City of Harrisburg Executive Offices 401 Finance Building Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120.

Shannon G. Williams, P.E. Interim Executive Director The Harrisburg Authority 212 Locust Street, Suite 302 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102.

Building A Stable Financial Future for the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania?


The Water System is owned entirely by THA. It utilizes two raw water supply sources: the DeHart Dam and Reservoir located in Rush Township, Dauphin County (primary water supply) and the Susquehanna River (secondary water supply).

The DeHart Dam and Reservoir impounds water flowing through the valley in Clark Creek and twenty-three (23) smaller tributaries producing a body of water with a 650 acre water surface area that extends 4.5 miles upstream of the dam.

The DeHart Dam and Reservoir collects from a 21.62 square mile drainage area consisting of forest land between the ridges of Peters and Stony Mountains with a six billion gallon storage capacity when full and a yield of 10.5 million gallons per day.

The Water System currently draws about 8-9 million gallons of water per day but THA has a water allocation permit to draw up to 13.5 million gallons a day. The allocation permit is currently being reviewed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for renewal and it is possible that the resulting allocation will be reduced.

The Susquehanna River has an average flow of 34,410 cubic feet per second and an approximate drainage area of 24,100 square miles upstream of the City.

The river intake is a screened intake structure and a thirty-six inch diameter pipe; raw water flows by gravity through the river intake structure. The City typically gets most of its water from the DeHart Dam and Reservoir and rarely pulls from the Susquehanna River.

THA has a permit to draw 15 million gallons of water per day from the Susquehanna River.

The Water System further includes a raw water transmission, treatment, and distribution system which presently serves approximately 66,500 residents in the City, the Borough of Penbrook, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and parts of various outlying municipalities located in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, including the Townships of Susquehanna, Swatara and Lower Paxton.

The Water System serves approximately 21,000 residential, commercial, industrial and public customers with metered water service. The transmission system includes over twenty miles of forty-two inch diameter steel-reinforced concrete pipe which conveys water by gravity from the DeHart Dam and Reservoir to the City. The Water System?s distribution network includes more than 350 miles of cast-iron, ductile iron, and pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe in various sizes and several finished water storage reservoirs with a combined capacity of 40,000,000 gallons.

There are more than 1,690 fire hydrants and 3,450 valves in operation. Finally, THA's Water System utilizes three pumping stations to convey water and maintain adequate distribution system pressure. The distribution system currently experiences a leakage rate of about 18-20%, which is within regulatory limits.

Currently an interconnection with United Water, Inc in Susquehanna Township is being constructed by a private developer that will be dedicated to THA for the provision of water service to that development. There are also five existing interconnections between THA's Water System and the water system owned by United Water, Inc. which are used only as an emergency source of water for THA or United Water,

Open Electronic Data Room for Preliminary Due Diligence February 8, 2012 Pre-Submission Meeting February 15, 2012 Final Date for Receipt of Questions Regarding the RFQ February 17, 2012 Final Date for Response to Questions from Potentially Interested Parties February 24, 2012 Final Date for Receipt of SOQs March 5, 2012 Identify and Notify Selected Interested Parties March 19, 2012 Final Date for Receipt of Section 3.2 Submissions by Selected Interested Parties April 9, 2012 Begin Negotiations with Selected Interested Parties April 16, 2012 Select Successful Selected Interested Party May 4, 2012 Execute Final Agreement June 11, 2012 Close Transaction Including Funding June 15, 2012

Tags: Barlow, David Unkovic, Governor Corbett, Harrisburg Receiver, Incinerator, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, Mayor Reed, RRF