PA Team Romney - "We can fix this with a Republican president"

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On Tuesday, March 13th, a coalition of Pennsylvania Republican leaders announced their endorsement of Mitt Romney for the presidential nominee. Kicking off the event, Former Chairman of the Republican State Committee of PA, Alan Novak, outlined the problems this coalition sees in America--a broken economy, rising gas prices, and high unemployment. Novak insisted, "We have a President that doesn't have any answers and doesn't have any plan on either the economy or gas prices." The answer for them is Mitt Romney. They see him as having not only the experience to face America's problems but also the capability to beat President Obama in the General Election. Along with Novak, others who who stood in endorsement: Congressman Jim Gerlach; Congressman Bill Shuster; Congressman Charlie Dent; Former Congressman Phil English; RNC National Committeeman for PA, Bob Asher; Allegheny County GOP Chair & Former Allegheny County Executive Jim Roddey; Franklin County GOP Chair Dwight Weidman; Independence Hall Tea Party's Don Adams and Teri Adams. --Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: Bud Shuster, GOP, Mitt Romney, President Obama