Mayor Linda D. Thompson St Patty's Day Press Conference - Large crowd events

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On Friday, March 16th, Harrisburg Mayor Thompson held a press conference to kick-off the St. Patty's Day festivities.

A few days before, the Governor had said the Mayor had yet to reach out to him or the State Police about the problems of crime the City has been facing. By the end of the week, that seems to have changed.

During her press conference, the Mayor states she finally made the call to the Governor and worked out a police partnership with the State Police for the City's major events.

She indicates there was a choice the City had to make about when the State Police would come in to help. "As opposed to have them come in everyday, we prefer to have them in here with large crowds." Another call the Mayor said she made this week was to Dauphin County Commissioner Jeff Haste about $500,000 in unrestricted gaming funds she's requesting.

"They can turn that money over immediately if they wanted to." Thompson also said she's waiting for a meeting with Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico about crime cameras.--Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: Act 47, Crime, Harrisburg, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, Parade, St Pats Day