Harrisburg Hope Forum: Receiver David Unkovic, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, & Smith - We were promised a hundred police

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Right before resident Nevin Mindlin steps up to the mic to demand justification for the need for a City Spokesman and a City Parks and Recreation Department, Receiver Unkovic exalts the innovation and engagement of City residents.

"The real benefit of getting to the far end of this financial crisis is to be able to focus the whole energy of the City on improving the City."

Following that, Mindlin gets up to insist that both the Mayor and the Receiver justify the need for "non-essentials" when public safety is lacking. He cites statistics, the Receiver's Recovery Plan, and facts such as Mayor Thompson's campaign promise to hire 100 new police officers.

The Mayor responds by contending, "Public safety is my number one priority," and defends her failure to hire 25 police officers a year by declaring she doesn't have the money. "If I had the money, I would hire more police officers."

She calls on the Dauphin County commissioners to give her $500,000 in gaming grants and asks loan recipients of the City's Revolving Loan Program to pay Harrisburg back.

--Tara Leo Auchey

Tags: Barlow, David Unkovic, Harrisburg Receiver, Incinerator, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, Mayor Reed, RRF