Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic: "Disturbing" enough to call for an investigation

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Video of Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic's March 28th press conference. Reiterating once again that he had seen "disturbing" things in the process of solving the City's fiscal crisis, that day the Receiver read aloud his formal request for Federal and State investigations of the financings of the Harrisburg Incinerator. Unkovic said he wrote the letter to U.S. Attorney Peter Smith and State Attorney General Linda Kelly to call on them "to investigate possible illegal activities in connection with the matters described in the Forensic Audit Report dated January 12, 2012 of the Harrisburg Authority." Two days after he said he was sending the letter, Unkovic submitted his resignation to the Commonwealth Court.--Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: AG Linda Kelly, David Unkovic, Forensic Audit Report, Harrisburg Authority, Harrisburg Financial Crisis, Harrisburg Receiver, US Attorney P