Harrisburg Mayor Linda D. Thompson - I didn't take no bribe

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An agitated Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson responds to questions by CBS News reporter Chris Papst concerning a 2003 transfer of funds moved into City Council's account at Mayor Stephen Reed's order.

Five days prior to the 2003 vote to approve the Incinerator retrofit project, hundreds of thousands of dollars were allocated to Council for what is commonly referred to as Walking Around Money (WAMs).

As a City Councilor at the time, Linda Thompson voted yes to approve the 2003 bond issuance. The vote was 6-1 with Councilor Pat Stringer casting the only nay vote.

Declaring it had nothing to do with her vote, Thompson defends her use of the money she received as a member of Council.

As Reporter Chris Papst asks Thompson about the appearance that the money was transferred so Mayor Reed could secure votes for the retrofit, she cuts him off and says, "I don't know whose votes he secured because he didn't secure my vote. I cannot be bought by no penny or no million dollars."

The Incinerator Forensic Audit Report highlights the occurrence of the transfer, but Thompson tells Papst, "I don't care what the audit says."

She ends the interview abruptly, "I'm done with it." --

Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: Bribes, Harrisburg, Ism, Mayor Linda D. Thompson, WAMS. Chris Pabst