Pennsylvania Voter ID - Senator Jay Costa: "It's worth pointing out that it's a Republican judge."

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Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa, Senator Vincent Hughes, and Senator Daylin Leach held a press conference to denounce Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson's August 15th ruling to uphold the Pennsylvania Voter ID law as constitutional.

Senator Costa declared, "The integrity of the legislative process has now been, in my opinion, corrupted in some way to allow for these types of decisions to take place. It's disturbing, it's disgusting, and we're very disappointed."

The Democratic Senators announced the verdict will be appealed to the Supreme Court.

Video. Senator Costa.

---Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: ACLU, Act 18, Governor Corbett, Majority Leader Mike Turzai, Senater Hughes, Senator Casey, Senator Costa, Viviette Applewhite, Voter Id