Commonwealth Court Issues Memorandum Opinion Compelling Montgomery County Register of Wills to Stop Issuing Same-Sex Marriage Licenses.
Thursday September 12, 2013 at 1:23 pm
By Jamie Serra

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Commonwealth Court President Judge Dan Pellegrini has granted the state Department of Health’s petition to stop Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Here's a copy of Judge Pellegrini's memorandum opinion.

Arguments were heard on September 4th, 2013 at the Pennsylvania Judicial Center. A number of Pastors and Pro-Natural Marriage Leaders held a press conference following the hearing.

Here's video of Rev. Devlin following the hearing.

Devlin accuses Mr. Hanes, Attorney General Kathleen Kane and Commissioner Josh Shapiro of creating an atmosphere of chaos in his County and throughout the Commonwealth.

Devlin goes onto explain how he was arrested in July for praying for the Attorney General, "I was arrested because I disobeyed the law."

Devlin quickly transitions to calling on the House and Senate to initiate impeachment proceedings against Bruce Hanes and Attorney General Kathleen Kane for violating the law. "Since when have elected public officials made the decision that they can implement certain laws and not implement certain laws?"

Tags: Commonwealth Court, Judge Pellegrini, Same-Sex Marriage