Senate Local Government Committee Agenda for Tuesday, October 22, 2013.
Monday October 21, 2013 at 5:55 pm
By Jamie Serra

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The Senate Local Government Committee is scheduled to meet tomorrow to consider two proposals that would provide for the electronic publication of public notices, in addition to three municipal debt reform bills.

Here's a copy of the agenda for tomorrow's Senate Local Government Committee meeting that is scheduled to begin at 9:30 am.

SB733 is an initiative sponsored by Senator Robbins. The legislation would enable local governments to enact a resolution or ordinance to electing to publish legal notices online. Existing requirements to publish certain legal notices in legal journals will remain unchanged.

Here's the analysis of SB733 (PDF).

The County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania has come out in support of this issue. The following position paper (PDF) was sent out to members of the Senate Local Government Committee urging their support of SB733 at tomorrow's meeting.

SB935 would allow the Local Government Commission to publish modifications of the Third Class City Code, the First Class Township Code, the Second Class Township Code, the County Code, and the Borough Code on their website. Electronically publishing this information will reduce costs incurred by the Local Government Commission.

Here's the analysis of SB935 (PDF).

The remaining items scheduled for consideration are SB901, SB903 and SB904. These bills were initiated as a result of testimony solicited from hearings last year that focused on the Harrisburg Authority and its relationship to Harrisburg's distressed financial situation.

Our coverage of the forensic audit, hearings and related issues can be found in our archives.

Here's the analysis of SB901 and the amendment which is scheduled to be offered.

We've also received information indicating that an amendment will be offered to SB903. Here's the a copy of the language for the amendment(PDF). The last item scheduled for consideration is SB904. A proposal by Senator Rob Teplitz to eliminate the use of interest rate swap agreements in Cities of the First Class. At the most recent public hearing in September, Teplitz's proposal faced a lot of scrutiny from Nancy Winkler, Treasurer of the City of Philadelphia.

We'll be covering tomorrow's hearing and provide updates as the agenda unfolds.

Photo by Natalie Cake

Tags: Blake, Eichelberger, Folmer, SB733, SB901, SB903, SB904, SB935, Senate Local Government Committee, Teplitz