Pennsylvania 2014 Election Calendar.
Thursday January 30, 2014 at 10:49 am
By James Roxbury

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First day to circulate and file nomination petitions.........February 18

Last day to circulate and file nomination petitions............March 11

Last day to file objections to nomination petitions..........March 18

. Day for casting of lots for Primary ballot positions.....March 19

Last day for candidates filing nomination petitions to withdraw.. March 26

Last day to REGISTER to vote before the Primary..April 21

PRIMARY ELECTION........................May 20

NOVEMBER ELECTION.................. November 4

* All dates are subject to change without notice.


NOTICE: You may duplicate these nomination petition pages prior to circulation if the duplicates are exact copies of the originals (8 1/2 x 11” paper, 2-sided, head to head). You may complete all blank spaces at the top of Side 1 of the nomination petition page (see 1i and 1ii below) prior to duplication to eliminate clerical error. In addition, some nomination petition pages have been stapled by this office prior to distribution. Staples on these nomination petition pages may be removed prior to circulation.

1. Prior to Circulation

i. All blank spaces which appear at the top of Side 1 of each nomination petition page must be completed before signatures are obtained.

ii. Write or print the name of the candidate on the nomination petition page exactly as the candidate wants it to appear on the ballot. A nickname is allowed only if it is a derivative of the legal name.

2. Signers.

i. Different nomination petition pages must be used for signers residing in different counties. ii. Each signer may sign nomination petitions only for as many candidates for each office as they are permitted to vote.

iii. Each signer of a nomination petition must be a registered and enrolled elector of the political district and of the party referred to in the nomination petition. (Republican electors must sign Republican nomination petitions; Democratic electors must sign Democratic nomination petitions.)

iv. Each signer must personally sign his or her name in the “Signature of Elector” column and print his or her name in the “Printed Name of Elector” column. Each signer must also insert in the “Place of Residence” column the information concerning residence listing his or her address exactly as it appears on his or her registration affidavit. In the case of an elector having a rural route number or R.D. numbers, the township should be listed. The elector must also insert the date of signing in the “Date of Signing” column, which may be expressed in words or numbers; e.g. February 18, 2014 or 2/18/14

3. Circulator’s Affidavit.

i. The Circulator’s Affidavit on each nomination petition page must be signed and notarized after each nomination petition page is circulated. Each notarization must include the notary’s official rubber stamp seal. Any person who circulates this nomination petition must be a qualified registered elector of the party referred to in the petition. The part of Section 909 of the Pennsylvania Election Code, 25 P.S. § 2869, that requires the circulator of a nomination petition to be a resident of the relevant political district in the petition will not be enforced pursuant to advice received from the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General in Villa v. Aichele, No. 13-cv-06374 (E.D. Pa 2013).

4. Candidate’s Affidavit and Ethics Statement.

i. Candidates must sign and submit one CANDIDATE’S AFFIDAVIT per set of nomination petitions. The CANDIDATE’S AFFIDAVIT is generated as part of the PDF petition packet.

ii. Candidates for the following offices must submit with their nomination petitions, a copy of the Statement of Financial Interests, required to be filed with the State Ethics Commission.

* Governor

* Lieutenant Governor

* Attorney General

* Auditor General

* Treasurer

* Senator in the General Assembly

* Representative in the General Assembly

5. Filing Fees.

i. No nomination petition will be accepted for filing in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth unless it is accompanied by the proper filing fee paid by certified check or money order payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

ii. Filing fees will not be refunded for any reason (including candidate withdrawal).

Photo/Natalie Cake

Tags: Election 2014, Harrisburg, Important Dates, Vote