Governor Tom Corbett's Budget and a "No surface impact" lease of State Forests and Park lands.
Tuesday February 04, 2014 at 9:51 pm
By James Roxbury

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Charles Zogby, Secretary of the Budget presented details of Governor Corbett's proposed leasing of state forests and park lands in what Zogby referred to as " No surface impact" drilling for Marcellus Shale gas in state parks and forests.

We recorded Marie Cusick of StateImpact Pennsylvania asking Zogby, Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi, and House Majority Leader Turzai about the proposed expansion of drilling for shale gas.

Video. So when you haul four million gallons of water to a site, that's not a disturbance?.

Photo of Patrick Henderson, Corbett's 'Energy Czar' by Natalie Cake

Tags: Budget, Charles Zogby, Governor Corbett, Marcellus Shale, Marie Cusick, Mike Turzai, NPR, Patrick Henderson, Senator Pilegggi, State Impact