116 Pine Street Sold for $1.7 Million - Sets Tax Sale Record.
Thursday June 12, 2014 at 7:34 pm
By James Roxbury

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Metro Bank bid $1.7 million for the property located at 116 Pine Street Harrisburg, the bank held a mortgage against the building and bid to protect it's interest in the property, Harrisburg based real estate developer Philip Dobson was the back bidder at $1.6 million.

Watch the bidding.


From our archives.


One of the properties scheduled to be sold at Dauphin county judicial tax sale is a five story office building located at 116 Pine street downtown Harrisburg, bidding starts at $350.00.

Owner Name and Address


PO BOX 2008

HYDE PARK, NY 12538-8008

Mailing Name and Address


PO BOX 2008

HYDE PARK, NY 12538-8008

Delinquent Taxes.

Tax Year Total Due

2013 $133,008.68

2012 $141,548.32

2011 $150,858.94

2010 $159,569.86

Total $584,985.80

Dauphin County Judicial Tax sale is scheduled for June 12, 2014 6pm at the Harrisburg Hilton.

Tax sale list.

As published by Dauphin County Tax Claim Bureau.


The following conditions shall govern the sale of properties by the Dauphin County Tax Claim Bureau for Judicial Sale as scheduled on June 12, 2014 at 6 P.M. and to such date to which the sale may be adjourned. Sale to be held at the Hilton of Harrisburg, One North Second Street in the City of Harrisburg.

1. Bidders are requested to register prior to the sale at the Tax Claim Bureau, 2 South Second Street, from May 29 – June 11 9am – 4 pm. Photo ID must be presented at registration.

2. The initial bid will start at $350.00. The 2014 taxes are NOT included in the purchase price; the purchaser must pay these taxes separate and apart from the sale price.

a. In addition to the sale price, the purchaser must pay the 2% Realty Transfer Tax calculated on the 100% fair market value of the property.

b. Acknowledgment, Recording Fee an d Preparation of the Deed. These items will be computed after the property has been knocked down to the successful bidder. The sale price, the transfer tax, recording fee, acknowledgment, and preparation of the d eed must all be paid at the time of the sale. At the option of the Tax Claim Bureau, the purchaser shall pay either by cash or check ( see note 15 below ) drawn to the order of the Tax Claim Bureau.

3. Parcels listed for sale will be remove d from the list if the delinquent taxes are paid before 4:30 PM on the date scheduled for the sale. Payments for these delinquent taxes mu st be paid in the form of cash, money order or certified check and must be received by the Tax Claim Bureau before the office closes on the date of the sale.

4. The Bureau will sell the property as desc ribed on the dockets in the Tax Claim Bureau, and makes no representation or warranty as to description, ti tle, ownership or any other matter pertaining to said premises, recorded or unrecorded.

5. No property scheduled for sale will be knocked down unle ss the bid equals $350.00 or more as announced. In the event of a dispute by bidders, or failure of the successful bidder to pay the purchase price, the property will again be available for sale.

Payment for properties sold must be made the night of the sale.

6. The Tax Claim Bureau will sell subject to existing occupanc y, if any. This sale does not include the contents.

7. Purchase by owner - The owner shall have no right to purch ase their own property at the judicial sale conducted under the provision of the Act (618 added July 3, 1986, P.L. §351, No. 81).

8. For properties sold and purchased within the City of Harrisburg, it shall be the obligation of the purchaser to satisfy the liens with the City. You are advised to contact the City immediately after the sale.

9. The Tax Claim Bureau will issue a deed upon payment of the purchase price and costs, to the registered bidder as soon as all checks clear the banks and the sale process is complete. In the event the registered bidder elects to have the deed issued in the name of a nominee or assignee, the registered bidder must provide written, notarized authorization from the nominee or assignee to act as his, her, or its agent.

10. All properties are sold under and by virtue of the Act of 1947, P.L. §1368, as amended, and know as the “Real Estate Tax Sale Law.” All titles transferred by the Tax Claim Bureau ar e under and subject to the provisions of the Real Estate Tax Sale Law.


12. All banks upon which bid checks are drawn are called before deposit by the Tax Claim Bureau. Insufficient funds checks will be turned over to the District Attorney’s Office for collection proceedings.

13. Any bidder with a cash payment of over $10,000 must comple te an IRS Form 8300 and return it to the Dauphin County Tax Claim Bureau.

14. Any successful bidder who fails to provide certification of no delinquent real estate property taxes within Dauphin County as required by Act 133, P.L. 1368, No. 542, enacted December 21, 1998, in conjunction with this sale shall be prohibited from registering for any future tax sales conducted by the Dauphin County Tax Claim Bureau.

15. All successful purchasers paying by check must use an account drawn on a bank with a branch located in the Harrisburg area.


Tags: Dauphin County Tax Sale, Harrisburg, Jacob Frydman, Metro Bank, Roy Wells, Triad