Harrisburg City Council - Tuesday November 25, 2014.
Sunday November 23, 2014 at 6:41 pm
By James Roxbury

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Harrisburg city council has scheduled a vote to appoint James Ellison to the new Civil Service Board.

•Resolution 125 - 2014 – A Resolution appointing Mr. James Ellison to serve on the new Civil Service Board established in accordance with Act 22 of 2014.


From our archives.

During the June 12, 2012 City Council Legislative Session, Harrisburg Authority Board member Bill Cluck addresses the recent State Ethics violations handed down to two former chairman of The Harrisburg Authority.

James Ellison and John Keller.

Referencing the Incinerator Forensic Audit, Cluck points out the weaknesses in the remedies available as a result of conflicts of interest in contract procurement.

He encourages City Council to hire a lobbyist in order to lobby for changes to State laws for the sake of the benefit of citizens over creditor.

---Tara Leo Auchey

Photo/Dani Fresh


On the day that the State Ethics Commission released an order finding James Ellison in violation of the Public Offical and Employee Ethics Act for actions he took during his tenure as Chairman of The Harrisburg Authority, the Harrisburg Mayor is asked for her reaction to the findings.

She claims to have not seen the Order and tersely elaborates on her support of Ellison's 2007 appointment to the Authority.

She says she supported him, "at that time, bottom line, to clean up The Harrisburg Authority." Not only did Thompson support his appointment when she was on City Council, but she also had Ellison serve as her campaign treasurer for both her City Council and Mayoral campaigns.---Tara Leo Auchey

Mayor Linda D. Thompspon.


2007 - James Ellison interviews before Harrisburg City Council for an appointment on the Board of the Harrisburg Authority.

As a board member of the Harrisburg Authority I have a fiduciary obligation to the authority.

James Ellison 8.29.7

Gather the information to make informed decisions.

THA Chairman & CEO James Ellison addresses Harrisburg City Council during the 11.7.7 meeting.

The working capital figure for the Harrisburg Authority now stands at 45 million dollars.

Mayor Thompson reads a letter written by James Ellison.

A 30 million dollar working capital loan.

Video. James Ellison addresses the Harrisburg Board of Control during public comment of its 12.10.7 meeting.

February 28, 2008 The Harrisburg Authority board does not have a quorum, attorney Carol Coheres explains how much interest is being paid on $56,000,000 in water bonds.

Societe General SWAPs.

James Ellison talks with members of the press concerning the ruling handed down by a county court arbitrator Wednesday. The arbitrator Terry R.Bossert granted a increase of $1.58 and not the $100 per ton the Authority requested.

The second most expensive tipping in the country.

William Cluck.

I believe it's time for Mr. Ellison due to his conflicts to step down.

William Cluck.

Fire the board of the Harrisburg Authority.

Corky Goldstein interview.

Corky Goldstein talks about how the Harrisburg Board of Control fired the law firm representing the Harrisburg School district and hired the firm of Rhoads and Sinon, Corky brings up the name of Mayor Thompson's campaign treasurer James Ellison who is a partner at Rhoads and Sinon.

A look back at the meeting that created "Team Ellison" Sept 18, 2010.

James Ellison called a meeting to discuss taking back our community.


November 13 ,2012.

PA Senate Local Government Committee held its second public hearing examining the massive debt of the Harrisburg Incinerator. James Ellison, former chairman of The Harrisburg Authority, former solicitor for the Harrisburg and Central Dauphin School Districts and Treasurer for Mayor Thompson's Leadership for Harrisburg 2013 Committee testified.

An operation that was in disarray, the existing plan was 50 million dollars.

A conflict of interest.

James Ellison interview before Hbg city council April 16, 2007. I have a fiduciary obligation to the Authority.

Mr. Papenfuse was against the plan.

The 30 million dollar 2007 bond deal. At the end of the day, no one was happy.

Tags: Bill Cluck, Chapter 9, Ethics Violation, Harrisburg Authority, Harrisburg City Council, James Ellison, John Keller, THA