Harrisburg City Council March 25, 2015.
Thursday March 26, 2015 at 12:24 pm
By James Roxbury

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Harrisburg city council meeting March 25, 2015


Lenora Smith.


•Approval of the Legislative Session Minutes of March 10, 2015.


•Report from Chair Allatt on the Budget & Finance Committee Meeting of March 23, 2015.

•Report from Chair Brown-Wilson on the Parks, Recreation & Enrichment Committee Meeting of March 23, 2015.




RESOLUTIONS •Resolution 8-2015 – A Resolution approving a professional services contract with Aquatic Facility Design, Inc. to prepare sealed plans and technical specifications for the restructuring of City Pool 2 main pool expansion joints and sand blasting and painting of the main and wading pools.

•Resolution 9-2015 – A Resolution approving the First Proposed 2015 Budget Reallocations.

Discussion of the reallocations.

Shamaine Daniels.

I'm against this proposal. Lets build a dog park.

Sandra Reid.

City residents do not come downtown between 5-7 pm.

Wanda williams.

We might have made some mistakes.

A $2,000 grant to city employees who buy a home in Harrisburg.

Sandra Reid is against giving grants to city employees.

Your city is filthy.

•Resolution 16-2015 – A Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement with Trout, Ebersole & Groff, LLP, CPA's and Business Advisors, to conduct a reconciliation of the City's Workers' Compensation Liability, Compensated Absence Liability, and Post-Employment Benefit Obligation accounts.

•Resolution 21-2015 - A Resolution approving the Zoning Code Amendment Request submitted by the City of Harrisburg to change the public notice requirements of 7-323.5(c) of the Zoning Code regarding requests for Special Exceptions and Variances (1) to clarify that applicants are responsible for notifying surrounding property owners of special exception and variance requests by first class letter, (2) to change the existing text which requires notification of property owners within a 300 feet radius of the boundary of the subject property to instead require notification to all adjacent and abutting property owners and (3) to require applicants to provide proof of mailing to show that adjacent and abutting property owners have been notified of the request.

•Resolution 22-2015 - A Resolution approving the Zoning Map Amendment Request submitted by the City of Harrisburg to change the zoning designation of two parcels located at 141 Oakwood Road and 2312 Oakwood Road from Residential Low-Density (RL) zoning to Open Space Recreation (OSR).

•Resolution 23-2015 - A Resolution approving the Zoning Code Amendment Request submitted by the City of Harrisburg to change Section 7-309.2(rr)(1) of the Zoning Code (which establishes Specific Criteria for operation of a Treatment Center to be permitted by right in certain zoning districts) to replace the word "residents" with the word "patients" to make the text consistent with the definition of treatment centers in Section 7-333.2(260) of the Zoning Code which defines treatment centers as a "nonresidential facility".

•Resolution 24-2015 - A Resolution approving the Zoning Code Amendment Request submitted by the City of Harrisburg to add a condition to Sections 7-309.2(q) and 7-309.2(r) of Zoning Code (relating to Specific Criteria for Convenience Stores and Convenience Stores with Gas Dispensing) to require the placement of trash and recycling receptacles in front of Convenience Stores with and without Gas Dispensing for use by patrons.

•Resolution 26-2015 - A Resolution authorizing the City Engineer to submit Applications for Traffic Signal Approval to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation ("PennDOT") for traffic signal control system upgrades at various street intersections throughout the City of Harrisburg.




Tags: City Council, Dog Parks, Harrisburg, Mayor Papenfuse, Sandra Reid, Wanda Williams