Special Committee on Senate Address - Final Committee Report on Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Wednesday January 27, 2016 at 1:39 pm
By James Roxbury

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Special Committee on Senate Address

Press event 2pm Wednesday.

Sen. John Gordner, Committee Chair.

Sen. Lisa Baker.

Sen. Gene Yaw.

Questions from reporters.

Testimony of Ed Rendell.


Spokesperson for AG Kathleen Kane.

Chuck Ardo.

Final Report.

Statement from Senator Joe Scarnati

HARRISBURG) - Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-25) has issued a statement following the Special Committee on Senate Address release of the full Senate report:

“Today the Special Committee on Senate Address has issued the full Senate report regarding recommendations pertaining to the possible removal of the Attorney General. The Committee has been beyond reproach and engaged in a meticulous and well thought out process that goes beyond what the Constitution requires. The process began in October of 2015 with the implementation of the Special Committee to examine whether or not an Attorney General can function to full capacity with a suspended law license. Examining this serious issue started with an unclear path, however over the last three months the Committee has done an excellent job staying focused on the task at hand.

“This has been a thorough and valid process which the Legislative Reference Bureau, Constitutional scholars and even Governor Wolf have acknowledged is within the Senate’s power and purview as it relates to Article 6, Section 7 of the Pennsylvania Constitution. The four public hearings the Committee held allowed for a total of twelve testifiers to offer their input and provide well-balanced testimony. Based on information in the report, it is clear that a Senate vote on Ms. Kane’s ability to perform the functions of her position with an indefinitely suspended law license is warranted.

“It is important that each member of the Senate has the ability to review this report and vote on the issue at hand. However, as was made clear in the report and recommendation by the Committee, no action will be taken before the Supreme Court makes a determination regarding the Attorney General’s current Application for Extraordinary Relief for restoration of her law license. I look forward to discussions with members from both sides of the aisle should they have questions as this matter continues to progress.”


History of the proceedings.

Tuesday January 12, 2016 Hearing room 1 North office building Harrisburg 1pm.

John Gordner, Chairman of the Special Committee on Senate Address.

Opening statement.

Jonathan Duecker, Chief of Staff for Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Questions from the committee.

Sen. John Gordner.

Sen. Judy Schwank.

Sen. Lisa Baker.

Sen. Art Haywood.

Sen. Joe Scarnati.

Sen. Gene Yaw.

Sen. John Gordner.

Former governor Ed Rendell.

Opening Statement Part 1.

Part 2.

Questions from the committee.

Chairman Gordner.

Senator Art Haywood.

The barber shop analogy.

Senator Scarnati.

MOVE May 13, 1985 The shootings, the bombings, the fire and the deaths.

Senator Schwank.

I'm not interested in laying any traps.

Senator Yaw.

The ability to go to court.

Senator Baker - Who asked you to appear?

I don't really remember, it may have been the General herself, it may have been Mr Ardo, it may have been someone else.

Ed Rendell.

I'd like to say I miss all of you, but I don't like to lie.

Updated 1.13.16 - Statement from Senator Haywood.

HARRISBURG, 13 January 2016: “The question before our Committee is whether or not the Attorney General can serve in her role with a suspended law license. Yesterday, Governor Ed Rendell said that the real concerns regarding the Attorney General’s conduct are outside of the scope of the Committee. For that reason, Governor Rendell urged our Committee to discontinue proceedings. He further stated that the vast majority of his duties as a former Philadelphia district attorney were managerial and policy matters that did not require a law license. Governor Rendell additionally raised a concern that ‘chaos’ could ensue if the Attorney General’s law license were reinstated by the Supreme Court following a decision to remove her from office by the Senate.

Governor Rendell's recommendation to discontinue removal proceedings follows a recent decision by the Armstrong County Court of Common Pleas. The Court decided that the Office of the Attorney General is authorized to prosecute while the Attorney General’s law license is suspended. This decision addressed my only remaining concern from prior Special Committee hearings. We cannot ignore Governor Rendell’s judgement, nor can we ignore the recent court decision confirming the authority of the Attorney General’s office. What additional questions remain to be answered before our Committee?”


November 18, 2015.

Senate Hearing Room 1.


Testimony from senior staff attorneys in the Office of Attorney General.

Bruce R. Beemer Esq., First Deputy Attorney General

James A. Donahue Esq., III, Executive Deputy Attorney General

Robert A. Mulle Esq., Executive Deputy Attorney General

Lawrence Cherba Esq., Executive Deputy Attorney General

Office of the Attorney General.

John Gordner, Chairman of the Senate Special Committee.

Senator John Gordner.

Senator Sean Wiley.

Senator Joe Scarnati.

Is the Attorney General coming to work.

Senator Judith Schwank.

Senator Lisa Baker.

Do any of you have reason to believe your career could be in jeopardy by appearing before this committee or because of communications you have offered.

Senator Art Haywood.

What is the role of the Attorney General.

Senator Gene Yaw.

Can any of you do your job with a suspended law license.

Questions round two.

Senator John Gordner

Contact with Kathleen Kane since October 22nd.

Senator Sean Wiley.

Do you feel the integrity of the office is still on solid ground.

Senator Judith Schwank.

Do you believe the office is vacant.

Senator Lisa Baker.

What the Attorney General can't do.

Senator Art Haywood.

First Deputies taking responsibility.

Senator Gene Yaw

The engineer for this train is not there.

Senator John Gordner.

Delegation of duties.


Tuesday, November 17, 10 a.m. in Hearing Room 1 of the State Capitol’s North Office Building in Harrisburg.

Bruce Antkowiak – Professor, Saint Vincent College

Beth L. Weisser – Partner, Fox Rothschild LLP

Robert H. Davis, Jr. – Professor, Widener University’s Commonwealth Law School


Senator Gordner.

Robert H. Davis Jr.

Beth L. Weisser.

Sen. Gordner.

Sen. Haywood.

Sen. Yaw.

Sen. Schwank.

Sen Baker.

Sen. Wiley.

Sen Scarnati.

Questions rounds two.

Sen Gordner.

Sen Haywood.

Sen. Schwank.

Sen. Baker.

Sen. Wiley.

Closing statement.


Monday November 9, 2015

The Pa Senate Special Committee on Senate Address held the first public meeting Monday at 1pm in Harrisburg.

Senate Hearing.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Senator John Gordner, chair of the committee answered questions after the 75 minute hearing.

Senator Gordner on serving a subpoena to Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

We were able to work through Kathleen Kane's private counsel, the subpoena was accepted on Friday.

Attorney General Letter Requesting Documents.

November 6th Letter from AG Kane to Senator Gortner.

Subpoena Duces Tecum.

Tags: Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Special Committee on Senate Address