Turkey Hill on Paxton street applying for transfer of Liquor License
Saturday February 11, 2017 at 12:08 pm
By James Roxbury

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Swatara township board of commissioners have scheduled a public hearing for the purpose of receiving comments and recommendations concerning an application by Turkey Hill, L.P. to transfer Pa liquor license R-19679 to its location at 2885 Paxton street Swatara twp.

The license was purchased by Turkey Hill, L.P. during the first Expired License auction held by the PLCB in October 2016.

The license was located in Pillow Borough and sold for $162K


photo Dauphin County office of tax assessment.

public notice Patriot-News Thursday 2.9.17

Tags: Dauphin County, Liquor license, Pillow Boro, Swatara Township, Turkey Hill