Articles related to "Ron Tomalis"

Eric Epstein "Footprint Rule."
Tuesday, August 19, at 3:14 pm
Ron Tomalis, Special Advisor to the Governor on Higher Education Resigns.
Tuesday, August 12, at 2:08 pm
Former Pa House Rep. Sean Ramaley seeks an investigation into alleged "theft of tax dollars."
Friday, August 08, at 10:36 am
Ronald Tomalis, Pa Secretary of Education: 'It's allowed under the law."
Friday, March 01, at 11:35 am
Secretary of Education Denies Charters to Eight Cyber Charter School Applicants for 2013-14 School Year
Monday, January 28, at 2:33 pm
Senator Jeff Piccola - York City and Harrisburg School Districts Protesting Distressed Designation
Tuesday, September 25, at 12:00 pm
Secretary of Education - Ron Tomalis.
Monday, March 05, at 12:00 pm
Secretary of Education Designate - Ron Tomalis
Wednesday, February 16, at 12:00 pm
Secretary of Education Designate - Tomalis
Wednesday, February 16, at 12:00 pm
2007 Mr Speaker - Dennis O'Brien.
Tuesday, January 02, at 12:00 pm