Articles related to "UFCW"

Senate law and Justice Committee - Senator Jim Ferlo and Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley.
Tuesday, June 04, at 2:32 pm
Rep. Jerry Knowles: HB 220.
Monday, April 15, at 3:16 pm
Pa House Floor March 21, 2013.
Friday, March 22, at 10:52 am
Pa House Appropriations Committee: Liquor Privatization HB 790
Thursday, March 21, at 12:28 pm
Pa Rep. Mike Sturla: HB 790
Wednesday, March 20, at 5:31 pm
Pa Speaker Sam Smith: HB 790
Wednesday, March 20, at 5:05 pm
Wendell Young: HB 790 and amendment 375
Wednesday, March 20, at 3:47 pm
UFCW President Wendell Young Comments on the Liquor Control Committee's vote: "Corbett style politics."
Monday, March 18, at 5:02 pm