Articles related to "Marcellus shale"

Speaker Mike Turzai - Impact fees.
Tuesday, June 09, at 3:53 pm
Senate Finance and Environmental Resources & Energy Committee. June 1, 2015.
Monday, June 01, at 11:46 am
Pa Press Club - Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman.
Monday, March 23, at 2:48 pm
Archive Video: Attorney General Tom Corbett - Pa Press Club 10.25.10
Sunday, June 22, at 1:51 pm
Charles Zogby, Secretary of the Budget: 2014-2015 Pa Budget.
Friday, June 20, at 12:45 pm
Governor Corbett Press Conference June 17, 2014
Thursday, June 19, at 3:21 pm
Marcellus Shale Coalition Rally in Harrisburg.
Tuesday, May 06, at 4:29 pm
Gene Stilp steals the show.
Tuesday, May 06, at 1:37 pm
Governor Tom Corbett's Budget and a "No surface impact" lease of State Forests and Park lands.
Tuesday, February 04, at 9:51 pm
Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Natural Gas Impact Fee Challenges, Act 13
Thursday, December 19, at 3:07 pm
Jesse White "If it weren't for social media I would be toast."
Friday, May 31, at 11:26 am
DEP Secretary Mike Krancer to resign position April 15, 2013.
Friday, March 22, at 11:20 am
Governor Tom Corbett: A paid vacation
Thursday, December 20, at 3:55 pm
Senator Joe Scarnati: Marcellus Shale Impact Fees
Monday, October 15, at 1:00 pm
Governor Corbett: $204 Million in Impact Fees
Monday, October 15, at 12:02 pm
Governor Corbett - Appeal of Act 13 Commonwealth Court ruling.
Friday, July 27, at 12:00 pm
Questions on Marcellus Shale Jobs - 300K or 180K?
Thursday, July 19, at 12:00 pm
Rep. Jesse White - Commonwealth Court Act 13.
Saturday, June 30, at 12:00 pm
Representative Bud George - Marcellus Shale "We need to fix it and fix it fast."
Monday, April 30, at 12:00 pm
Representative Frank Dermody - Marcellus Shale "Twisted priorities"
Monday, April 30, at 12:00 pm
Marcellus Shale Impact Fee - Conference Cmte 4-2
Monday, February 06, at 12:00 pm
Pa Rep. Hanna - Marcellus Shale
Monday, February 06, at 12:00 pm
Senator Scarnati - SB 1100 Impact Fee
Wednesday, December 07, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett - Grover Norquist
Monday, November 21, at 12:00 pm
Governor Tom Corbett - Harrisburg Marcellus & Rendell.
Wednesday, November 16, at 12:00 pm
Senator Yudichak - Marcellus Shale (Part-1)
Friday, July 22, at 12:00 pm
Senator Yudichak - Marcellus Shale (Part-3)
Friday, July 22, at 12:00 pm
Marcellus Shale Commission Terry Englander-1
Saturday, July 16, at 12:00 pm
Marcellus Shale Commission - Amendments
Saturday, July 16, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett
Tuesday, July 05, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett Budget Signing - The first on time budget in eight years.
Friday, July 01, at 12:00 pm
Senator Yudichak - Marcellus shale tax.
Sunday, June 26, at 12:00 pm
Gov. Corbett Budget questions.
Saturday, June 25, at 12:00 pm
Mike Turzai - Marcellus Shale
Tuesday, June 21, at 12:00 pm
Sam Smith at the Pa Press Club. Marcellus Shale.
Tuesday, May 24, at 12:00 pm
Speaker Sam Smith: Marcellus Shale Impact Fees
Tuesday, May 24, at 12:00 pm
Governor Tom Corbett - Impact fees on Marcellus Shale.
Wednesday, March 23, at 12:00 pm
Governor Tom Corbett 2011 Budget - Education Budget Cuts
Wednesday, March 23, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett Budget speech. Part 1
Saturday, March 12, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett Budget speech. Part 2
Saturday, March 12, at 12:00 pm
Governor Tom Corbett Budget speech. Part 3
Saturday, March 12, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett Budget speech. Part 4
Saturday, March 12, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett Budget speech. Part 5
Saturday, March 12, at 12:00 pm
Acting DEP Secretary Michael Krancer: Opening comments.
Thursday, March 03, at 12:00 pm
Sen. Solobay - Marcellus Shale.
Wednesday, February 23, at 12:00 pm
Kevin Harley - Drilling on state land.
Tuesday, February 22, at 12:00 pm
Pa Press Club Mike Turzai On Governor Rendell - Shakedown
Monday, January 24, at 12:00 pm
Tom Corbett - Common sense.
Thursday, November 11, at 12:00 pm
Tom Corbett - Selling the state stores.
Thursday, November 11, at 12:00 pm
Governor Tom Corbett - Severance Tax.
Thursday, November 11, at 12:00 pm
Governor elect Corbett: And Bill DeWeese
Thursday, November 11, at 12:00 pm
Tom Corbett - Campaign money from Marcellus Shale Drillers.
Monday, October 25, at 12:00 pm
Sam Smith - Rendell's playing games.
Friday, October 22, at 12:00 pm
Speaker Sam Smith: Hold Steady.
Friday, October 22, at 12:00 pm
Gov. Ed Rendell - The hurt on wall street.
Wednesday, October 13, at 12:00 pm
Governor Ed Rendell - 48,000 gas wells in Pa.
Wednesday, October 13, at 12:00 pm
Gov. Ed Rendell - I am very disappointed.
Tuesday, October 12, at 12:00 pm
Governor Ed Rendell - Check Scarnati's nose tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 12, at 12:00 pm
Governor Ed Rendell - They made a promise.
Thursday, September 23, at 12:00 pm
Governor Ed Rendell - Homeland security.
Tuesday, September 14, at 12:00 pm
2010 Pa Budget - Under the wire.
Wednesday, June 30, at 12:00 pm
Governor Ed Rendell - Found money
Tuesday, June 29, at 12:00 pm
Gov. Ed Rendell -You flipped on this issue before__
Thursday, January 14, at 12:00 pm
Erik Arenson - Marcellus Shale.
Friday, October 09, at 12:00 pm
Cathy Davis - The halliburton amendment.
Friday, September 25, at 12:00 pm
Marcellus Shale - Drill baby drill.
Tuesday, June 09, at 12:00 pm