In the Senate:
At 9:00 am EDUCATION will consider SB871, SB1030, and HB1141 in the Senate Majority Caucus Room.
FINANCE will meet at 9:30am to consider SB456, SB922, HB1172, and HB1359 in Room 8E-A East Wing.
URBAN AFFAIRS & HOUSING will also meet at 9:30 to consider HB1122, HB1319, and HB1363 in Room 461 Main Capitol Bldg.
PUBLIC HEALTH & WELFARE follows at 10:00 am with a public hearing to consider the nomination of Dr. Carrie DeLone as Physician General; and HB1075, HB1190 in the Senate Majority Caucus Room.
In the House:
STATE GOVERNMENT will meet at 9:00 am for a public hearing on Pension Reform, HB 1350, HB 1352, HB 1353, and HB 1471 in G50 Irvis Office.
The URBAN AFFAIRS meeting scheduled for 9:00 am has been cancelled.
VETERANS AFFAIRS & EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS is scheduled to meet at 9:15 am for a voting meeting on SB 586, HB 1460, HB 972, and HB 1041 in Room B31 Main Capitol.
AGING & OLDER ADULT SERVICES is up next at 9:30 am with a voting meeting on HB 298, and HR 255. Immediately following:An informational meeting - Overview of the PACE Program by Director Tom Snedden in Room 60 East Wing.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT starts at 10:00 am for a voting meeting on HB 1193, and HB 1336 in Room 205 Ryan Office
LABOR & INDUSTRY will also meet at 10:00 am to consider HB 858, HB 1250, and HB 1395 in Room 39 East Wing.
The TRANSPORTATION scheduled for 10:00 am has been cancelled.