Swatara township commissioners held the third and final special meeting Tuesday evening to allow public comment on a proposal to change the current nine ward voting system to an at-large one ward district, if adopted the makeup of the board of commissioners would change from nine members to five.
Commissioner Ed Troxell offered a motion to draft an ordinance to reapportion within the nine wards to equalize the population of the township in accordance with the constitution of the Commonwealth.
The motion fails by a five to four vote.
Chairman Moyer opens the meeting to comments from the audience.
Videos of people in favor of an at-large voting district.
Former Swatara township commissioner. Kevin Sidella.
Central Dauphin school board member. Brian Faleshock.
In favor of smaller government.
Audience members supporting the current 9 ward system.
Attorney Alan Kennedy-Schaffer. Working Pro bono.