Dauphin county commissioners Jeff Haste and Mike Pries voted to approve local share gaming grants Wednesday morning.
ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of the Dauphin County Gaming Advisory Board recommendations, including all proposed conditions, and award, allocation and appropriation of gaming funds to the following recipients, in the following amounts, and subject to any additional noted conditions, and each, where appropriate, to be memorialized in a grant agreement in a form to be approved by the Commissioners: (A Vote is Requested 3/1/17)
Host & Contiguous
1. East Hanover Township (Debt service for Public Works bldg.) - $775,000
2. South Hanover Township ($250,000 new municipal/fire complex; $4,418
Antique Auto Museum handicap parking spaces) - $254,418
3. Derry Township ($270,000 fire station debt service; $30,000 Hershey-Derry Twp.
Historical Society parking lot upgrades and accessibility project) - $300,000
4. Middle Paxton Township ($148,600 Fishing Creek Community Building improvements and Potato Valley Rd. debt reduction; $72,400 fire engine debt service) - $221,000
5. Rush Township (Carsonville Rd. paving and repairs) - $90,000
6. West Hanover Township (Fire station debt, S.R. 39 debt and Fairville Park equipment) - $250,000
Other Awards 1. Dauphin County Parks & Recreation (Detweiler Park project) - $350,000
2. Susquehanna Township (Public Safety Bldg. expansion debt service) - $163,236
3. Lower Swatara Township ($51,000 bridge replacement debt; $100,000 fire apparatus debt reduction) - $151,000
4. Upper Paxton Township (New municipal building) - $50,000
5. Millersburg Borough (MYO Park ADA improvements) - $100,000
6. City of Harrisburg (Fire Station #1 and #2 improvements) -$250,000
7. Lykens Borough ($25,000 fire truck refurbishment debt service; Phase I $100,000 water treatment plant repairs/ replacement) - $125,000
8. Paxtang Borough/Central Dauphin School District (School safety improvemen project) - $140,650
9. Lower Paxton Township ($175,000 Possibility Place playground surface; $20,000
Penn Colonial main pool and baby pool repairs; $22,100 Linglestown Fire Co. bldg. improvements) - $217,100
10. Londonderry Township (Swatara Creek Rd. bridge replacement) - $163,000
11. Dauphin Borough (Lion’s Club Park and lot upgrades) - $92,218
12. Steelton Borough (firefighting equipment) - $39,250
13. Swatara Township ($89,154 purchase water rescue boat and vehicle; $21,000 Reliance Hose Co. station improvements) - $110,154
14. Penbrook Borough (Elm Street Park equipment) - $55,000
15. Highspire Borough (firefighting equipment) - $43,152
16. Wiconisco Township (Municipal bldg. debt service) - $40,000
17. Gratz Borough (Borough Authority fire hydrant replacements and purchase of water meters) - $74,602
18. Elizabethville Borough (Municipal bldg. debt reduction; conditioned upon Borough making principal payment and match) - $54,864
19. Halifax Borough (Sidewalk construction safety project) - $50,000
20. Berrysburg Borough (New Municipal Authority Waste Water Treatment Plant) -$50,000
21. Pillow Borough (Borough Building feasibility study) - $8,400
22. Dauphin Co. Human Services (Van purchase) - $30,000
23. Dauphin Co. Conservation District (Agricultural community outreach) - $127,000
24. MDJ Court Administration (Debt reduction for construction of MDJ buildings) -$200,000
25. Dauphin Co. Land Bank Authority (Renovation of two vacant homes) - $69,001
26. Tri-County HDC (Construction of low to moderate income townhomes) - $132,000
27. 2nd Street Realty Assoc. (Brownfield redevelopment) - $150,000
28. Heat & Frost Insulators Local 23 (Training Center equipment upgrades) - $45,382
29. Communities in Schools of PA (Re-Engagement Center Renovations) - $70,000
30. Pinnacle Health (Addiction & Substance Abuse Urgent Care Clinic; conditioned upon coordination with Dauphin Co. Drug & Alcohol Services) - $100,000
31. JT Dorsey Foundation (Van purchase) - $38,405
32. Salvation Army (New headquarters and services facility) - $70,000
33. Dauphin Co. General Authority (Maintenance equipment acquisition) - $33,000
34. Homeland Center (Emergency generator project) - $35,000
35. Lower Paxton Township/Heroes Grove (Phase II amphitheater improvement project) - $70,000
36. Boys & Girls Club of Harrisburg (John Hall Clubhouse renovations and improvements) - $50,000
37. Monumental AME Church (Removal of Church boiler and purchase/installation of new HVAC) - $50,000
38. Jewish Family Services (Renovation of headquarters) - $26,204
39. American Literacy Corporation (Books in Barbershops program) - $35,000
40. Crime Stoppers (Public awareness efforts) - $15,000
41. Shalom House (Replacement of porch roof and plumbing upgrades) - $4,000
42. Dauphin County Industrial Development Authority to administer the following projects:
a. Borough of Steelton (Mohn Street Skate Park) - $90,000
b. EFMR Monitoring Group, Inc. (2017 HELP publication) - $10,000
43. Dauphin County Industrial Development Authority (Administration 2016) - $425,000