Articles related to "Receiver"

Status Report of the Coordinator for the City of Harrisburg
Wednesday, April 02, at 10:25 am
Financial Deals Successfully Close for Harrisburg Strong Plan; Harrisburg Back on the Path to Financial Stability
Monday, December 23, at 1:37 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson Voices No Objections to Extension of Harrisburg Receivership
Friday, November 22, at 11:15 am
Harrisburg Municipal Financial Recovery Advisory Committee October 23, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, at 12:55 pm
Harrisburg Receiver's Office Motion to Disburse Proceeds from Harrisburg Auction
Tuesday, September 17, at 10:56 pm
Municipal Financial Recovery Advisory Committee. August 28, 2013.
Wednesday, August 28, at 5:58 pm
Office of the Receiver: Status Report for the City of Harrisburg.
Friday, June 28, at 3:18 pm
Harrisburg Receiver Seeks Stay in Proceedings Over Incinerator Lawsuit, Covanta v. Harrisburg.
Monday, June 10, at 2:48 pm
Harrisburg School District Debt: $437.1 million.
Friday, March 08, at 10:37 am
Mayor Thompson: "I don't have time for petty discourse."
Wednesday, February 13, at 3:06 pm
Harrisburg Mayor Thompson: "When you spew out misinformation, and you assassinate my character."
Wednesday, February 13, at 1:10 pm
Bill Cluck: "Our mentally ill Mayor."
Wednesday, February 13, at 11:42 am
President David Black, Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, Resigns from the Harrisburg Municipal Financial Recovery Advisory
Wednesday, December 12, at 10:05 am
Special Report on The Harrisburg Incinerator Forensic Audit: The Parking Lease
Tuesday, December 04, at 4:36 pm
Harrisburg Financial Crisis: Fred Reddig. "Our goal is for the city not to run out of cash."
Wednesday, November 14, at 7:52 pm
Harrisburg First, LLC: Harrisburg Receiver Lynch, "We can now begin negotiations."
Wednesday, October 10, at 9:39 am
Municipal Financial Recovery Advisory Committee: Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson "It's all nothing but exaggeratory conversations." (Part 1)
Wednesday, September 26, at 12:00 pm
City of Harrisburg's Chief Operating Officer, Ricardo Mendez-Saldivia The process of the 2010 & 2011 Audits"This little hump that we have."
Wednesday, September 26, at 12:00 pm
Thompson Administration's 2013 Budget: Police Vehicle Mechanical Failures
Tuesday, September 18, at 12:00 pm
Municipal Financial Recovery Advisory Committee - Mayor Linda Thompson: "The Administration has a lot of success stories."
Wednesday, September 12, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Mayor Linda D. Thompson "I think that the residents understand the need for an EIT increase."
Tuesday, August 28, at 12:00 pm
Writ of Mandamus Hearing - Harrisburg Receiver Lynch: "Any bill that's due for payment goes through the process."
Friday, August 24, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Attorney Neil Grover: THE RESISTANCE MUST END. OR NOT
Monday, July 23, at 12:00 pm
Commonwealth Court ORDER August 7, 2012: Archive Video of Harrisburg Attorney Neil Grover hired to represent Harrisburg City Council.
Monday, July 23, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority: Bill Cluck
Tuesday, July 17, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Receiver William Lynch - "I look at it as an action forcing event."
Wednesday, June 13, at 12:00 pm
Covanta vs The City of Harrisburg.
Tuesday, June 05, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg City Council Attorney - Mark Schwartz.
Thursday, May 24, at 12:00 pm
May 8th Video of Brad Koplinski - Harrisburg City Council member Koplinski calls out Mayor Thompson
Wednesday, May 16, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - "Those council members"
Thursday, May 10, at 12:00 pm
The Day Harrisburg's Receiver Resigns - Mayor Thompson, "It was a pleasure working with him."
Friday, March 30, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic - A lot of stupid things done
Monday, March 19, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Crime Forum 4
Wednesday, March 07, at 12:00 pm
Archive Video: Objections to the Recovery Plan - Scott Wyland
Sunday, March 04, at 12:00 pm
Debt Watch Harrisburg Forum on the Harrisburg Receiver's Plan "The lobbyists are lobbying the Governor to fire the Receiver"
Thursday, March 01, at 12:00 pm
Forum on the Harrisburg Receiver Plan (Part-5)
Thursday, March 01, at 12:00 pm
Forum on the Harrisburg Receiver Plan Part-1
Wednesday, February 29, at 12:00 pm
Forum on the Hbg Receiver Plan (Part-2)
Wednesday, February 29, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Treasurer John Campbell - Chapter 9 Inevitable?
Wednesday, February 29, at 12:00 pm
Harrisburg Treasurer Campbell - A $29 Million 2012 Deficit
Wednesday, February 29, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson. - Keeping Philbin
Thursday, February 09, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett, Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Receiver Unkovic
Monday, January 16, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Comp and Sick days
Friday, November 25, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - WBE
Friday, November 25, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Health Inspections
Friday, November 25, at 12:00 pm
Governor Tom Corbett - Names Receiver
Friday, November 18, at 12:00 pm
Archive Video - Ken Lee Elect me
Monday, November 14, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Town Hall (Part-2)
Friday, September 23, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Town Hall (Part 3)
Friday, September 23, at 12:00 pm
Mayor Linda D. Thompson - Town Hall
Friday, September 23, at 12:00 pm
Philip Dobson: Where is Mayor Reed? October 20, 2010.
Thursday, October 21, at 12:00 pm
Governor Corbett - Appointing a Receiver for Harrisburg.
Saturday, September 25, at 12:00 pm
Archive Video: Bankrupt Harrisburg July 11, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, at 12:00 pm